Setting A Movie to Resume Last Playback Position

When preparing movie files for a performance, one of the more subtle controls you may want to customize on a per clip basis is the start point of individual clips when they are triggered. While the default behavior is to playback from the first frame of the video, it may be necessary to have a clip resume playing from the last time it was used. This is accomplished in VDMX by using the Files section of the Workspace Inspector where you can specify custom playback behaviors of individual clips.

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Creating and Installing ISF FX

An ISF, or “Interactive Shader Format” file is a GLSL fragment shader (.fs) that includes a small blob of information that describes any input controls that the host application (such as slider, button, and color picker controls in VDMX) should provide for the user when the FX is loaded for use, as well as other meta-data including the authorship, category and a description.

In this two part tutorial we'll cover the basics of applying ISF based FX to layers in VDMX and how to install new example ISF files you may download from the Internet, followed by a quick introduction to creating your own image processing GLSL fragment shaders.

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Creating and Installing ISF Generators

An ISF, or “Interactive Shader Format” file is a GLSL fragment shader that includes a small blob of information that describes any input controls that the host application (such as slider, button, and color picker controls in VDMX) should provide for the user when the generator is loaded for use, as well as other meta-data including the authorship, category and description.

In this two part tutorial we'll cover the basics of using ISF generators within VDMX as sources for layers and how to install new example ISF files you may download from the Internet, followed by a quick introduction to creating your own GLSL fragment shaders.

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Video Fundamentals – Part 1 – General Workflow

Since the first introduction of our new blog almost a year ago the number of topics covered has grown to include a wide variety of subjects that at this point you could almost write an entire class on VJing and live video techniques from our tutorials.

With this in mind, rather than trying to teach how to use VDMX to new potential users, we've started to put together a new “Introduction to Video Fundamentals” curriculum that focuses on the basic knowledge needed to get started. While these ideas are usually demonstrated with VDMX, a lot of the underlying techniques are generally translatable to other software and hardware for video and lighting production.

In part two of this series (stay tuned) we'll start to look at some more advanced topics for putting all of this together along case studies and tips from the pros in the field.

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Automatic BPM Detection in VDMX using Waveclock

By enabling the “Waveclock” beat tracking feature in the VDMX Clock plugin, the music from a microphone or line input can be analyzed to automatically handle the adjustment of the BPM and measure position to ensure that the timing of changes in your video are perfectly in sync with the bands and DJs that you are working with. 

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Enabling hardware “Echo” mode for quick MIDI and OSC talkback with VDMX

Along with being able to receive real-time control values from MIDI and OSC based instruments, VDMX provides the ability to send the local state of interface items such as sliders and buttons back out to hardware controllers whose interfaces can update dynamically.

To make the setup of two way talkback with devices that support this kind of workflow faster to setup, each UI item in VDMX that is receiving from a MIDI or OSC source can be set to “echo” it's state back to the connected hardware controller.

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VJing with a WiiMote game controller in VDMX

While MIDI devices and OSC enabled applications tend to be most commonly used instruments by VJs when getting away from the computer during a live visual performance, another extremely powerful controller that can be paired with VDMX is the WiiMote game pad which can be connected to a Mac wirelessly over Bluetooth.

The basic configuration only takes a few moments to set up and then we can begin to put together a sample project that is designed to get the most out of the possibilities of the combining accelerometers with game style buttons for performing live visuals.

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Recording a demo reel from a Quartz Composer composition or other video generator to share online

It kind of goes without saying that these days, posting your work online is a great way to promote yourself as a VJ or creative coder, and to make new contacts for future collaborations. Along with a studio or live mix of your visual work, including some of the original resources that were used during the making of your process for other people to learn from is another way to make your mark on the community. 

For this technique tutorial we'll be looking at recording a demo reel that shows off the different ways that your generative compositions can be used in a live setting by using different sets of control data to drive its parameters, such as time based LFOs, MIDI / OSC control, and audio analysis data-source providers. Once we've finished creating the sample movie, we'll also walk through how to share the files using the website where they can be hosted, downloaded and remixed by other video artists for free.

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VDMX Question from the forums: How do you set an effect MIDI knob to be off when in the center position?

This question comes to us from the VIDVOX forums, and is most easily explained with a quick demonstration– the goal is to have a MIDI knob that is used to make the video become more pixellated as it is turned left or right, but is a regular pass-through when set to its center point.

In this tutorial video we'll show off how to use an LFO plugin in VDMX to create a lookup curve for mapping a MIDI knob to a different range of values to drive our pixellate FX being applied to a layer.​

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VJ Spain Guest Tutorial: El plugin Control Surface

his special Spanish language guest tutorial on using the 'Control Surface' plugin comes from Marcos Prack of VJ Spain who joins us with a preview of his upcoming 4 day workshop on using VDMX and Quartz Composer in Madrid this April.

More information about the course can be found on the VJ Spain website:

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Receiving MIDI SMPTE Time Code (MTC) in VDMX

​MIDI Time Code (MTC) is a specification for sending SMPTE values from a master playback application such as QLab or Apple Logic to keep the play time of other real-time music and visuals software in sync over MIDI.​ While MTC has a few drawbacks it can be very useful when setting up live performances where VDMX is being used alongside audio software that can send it.

In this tutorial we'll look at how to receive MTC ​in VDMX in two ways: First, the classic example of syncing the time position of a QuickTime movie to the incoming timecode. In the second case instead of a traditional movie, a simple Quartz Composer patch will receive the MTC and render a real-time animated read out of the values in standard SMPTE format.

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Making and Installing GLSL Composition Modes for VDMX

​To get the best performance out of using the Hap codec within VDMX we also recently added another new feature making it possible to use GLSL shaders to perform composition between layers. While the standard 'OpenGL- Add' and 'OpenGL- Over' modes are the absolute fastest when it comes to rendering, when more complex composition modes such as 'Difference' or 'Multiply' are needed shaders are the best alternative when playing back movie files, particularly when you're not using CoreImage or Quartz Composer based FX on the layer.​

In this two part tutorial we'll look first at the basics of adding new 3rd party shaders to the assets folder, and then move on to the intermediate level step of creating new custom blend modes.​

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VDMX into Millumin via Syphon

In honor of being the first third party developer to support the new Hap codec family natively, today ​we're joined by by Phillipe Chaurand who writes Millumin, an awesome piece of real-time visual software with a focus on theater, dance, and mapping installations.

Along with Hap, Millumin also shares support for Syphon, which allows for ​making layers in VDMX directly available as inputs to Millumin. In this quick video tutorial Phillipe explains how to set up this connection between the two applications.

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Exporting Motion projects as Hap Alpha movies to use with VDMX

​While VDMX itself is an application for creating real-time visuals, eventually most VJs and other visual artists have some use for  other types of video software such as non-linear editors (iMovie, FCP, Premiere) or motion graphics generators (Motion, After Effects) to create pre-made footage to use during performance.​

In this tutorial we look at exporting movies from Apple Motion to use in VDMX and including the alpha channel by using the 'Hap Alpha' codec. The same basic idea can be used with other motion graphics software such as Adobe After Effects.​

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Chroma Key Basics

Chroma Keying is an image effects technique for compositing multiple video streams on top of each by applying a hue based masked to the foreground images. Commonly a blue or green screen is used in production for these purposes.

Within VDMX, using the 'Chroma Mask' FX on a layer will create a color-based mask that is applied within the FX-chain. Pixels in the input that are within the tolerance range are set to become transparent through the usage of alpha channels.

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