Expanding Your Toolkit: Accessories for Seamless Installations
Beyond the essentials, assembling a well-rounded toolkit is paramount for a flawless installation. Consider expanding your arsenal with beam clamps, spring clamps, additional IEC cables, HDMI over Ethernet adapters, and HDMI cables under 50'. It's crucial to remain mindful of HDMI cable limitations – once you exceed 50 feet, exploring signal boosters or HDMI over Ethernet solutions becomes imperative.
Here's a pro-tip: I highly recommend using an IEC cable tap for added convenience. This allows you to power a media player ( this one offers seemless loop with .mkv files, must used a hidden file cleaner like BlueHarvest to remove hidden “.trash” files from USB drive or SD card before looping a folder of files). , Raspberry Pi, or HDMI over RJ45 adapter with a single cord, streamlining your setup.
Speaking of HDMI over RJ45 adapters (not HDMI over Ethernet!), I found mine for less than $20 USD, featuring both HDMI input and output on the transmitter (TX). While it seems they're currently sold out, there's no need to break the bank; spending $50 or more on this type of adapter is unnecessary. Instead, consider investing in a quality shielded CAT6 cable or making one yourself. A shielded cable helps minimize noise, making it especially beneficial for longer runs, particularly when running cables alongside power cables. This cost-effective approach ensures optimal performance without compromising your budget. (Note: HDMI over Ethernet means you could send the signal over a network, switch, router, etc. HDMI over RJ45 or HDMI over Cat5e requires a “homerun” cable that runs direct from the transmitter (TX) to receiver (RX). The protocol that is used by the manufacturers may be different then others, so you can’t mix and match these RX and TX receivers with different brands.)