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One of the most powerful techniques used to create real-time visuals and computer graphics going back to the early days of video is the use of feedback loops - the method of taking the current output frame and using it as a source image in part of the next rendered output frame. This iterative process is particularly useful for VJs and other graphic artists looking to find a unique look or style for their visuals, and is easily simulated within VDMX by using layer groups and FX chains.
Please note this video tutorial has been rated: "gets awesome at 3:06" – some dude on twitter
In this video tutorial we'll demonstrate how to create a simple feedback loop in VDMX and use it along with a few sets of FX and composition mode settings to get different visual styles in our output including echoes, glitch and pattern generators.
From here try adding a Movie Recorder plugin to capture the output from the feedback loop, or read more about the basics of using FX chains and layer composition.