Using the OSCQuery Helper and MIDI OSCQuery Helper tools with Max

One of the most powerful tools for working with MIDI and OSC control data is Max, which is widely known for its easy to use interface for “patching” and working with data streams. While Max does not yet support OSCQuery natively, it is a great example of how the free OSCQuery Helper and MIDI OSCQuery Helper tools can be used to publish OSC and MIDI parameters from Max patches so that they can be remotely accessed by other software like VDMX and the OSCQuery Browser.

In this set of tutorials we’ll look at the process for adding basic MIDI and OSC inputs in a simple Max patch and then creating a JSON file that describes the routings. Once those are prepared we can see how to access these parameters using other software in the OSCQuery ecosystem.

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Using Max/MSP/Jitter as an external FX send and data-source provider for VDMX

​Eventually when creating live visuals, particularly for a high profile event or tour, you may find the need to add to your setup some kind of very specialized custom image processing, source generator, or information feed that really sets the show apart with its own unique style or effect.

For this set of video tutorials we'll be taking a look at how to use one of our favorite languages, Cycling74's Max/MSP/Jitter which has been around for over 20 years as the tool of choice for creative coders experimenting with music and visuals.​

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