Workspace Inspectors - Presets

The goal of a workspace preset is to allow users to save a "snapshot" of their workspace: by default, a preset created via the Workspace Inspector will save the state of every layer, plugin, and UI item that currently exists so they can be recreated (triggered) later. The "Presets" tab of the Workspace Inspector displays the interface for creating, updating, managing, restoring these top-level presets.


Workspace Presets

The dominant UI item in the "Presets" tab is the list of preset. Each preset has a unique name (left column), a thumbnail of your main output taken when the preset was created/updated (middle column), and a Boolean Receiver you can use to trigger the preset from any MIDI/OSC/DMX/data source (right column).

Clicking on a preset thumbnail triggers the preset in addition to inspecting it.

Project Files

A project file is the basic document type for VDMX5. A project contains all the information needed to recreate your VDMX workspace:

  • All the pages and media files that were in your workspace last time the project was saved, and all the various settings for those files.
  • All the presets that were in your workspace (your workspace presets) last time the project was saved, and all the various settings for those presets.