To make the setup of two way talkback with devices that support this kind of workflow faster to setup, each UI item in VDMX that is receiving from a MIDI or OSC source can be set to “echo” it's state back to the connected hardware controller. In most cases echo can simply be enabled for a slider, button, or pop-up menu, and from the UI Inspector you can further customize how values are sent back to deal with special cases on your particular device, such as telling pads on a OhmRGB or APC40 to light up a specific color when toggled on or off by sending specific velocity values.
Introduction to MIDI / OSC Echo with the LividOhm RGB and TouchOSC
In this set of video tutorials we'll first demonstrate the basics of setting up “echo” using the Livid OhmRGB MIDI controller and TouchOSC on the iPad as examples.
Also check out the related introduction video tutorials on setting up Media Bin Sync with TouchOSC and and setting up Media Bin UI sync with the MIDI controllers.