- Read the previous entry on the basics of the Layer Composition controls.
The 'quad' mode found in the composition controls for a layer can be used to apply a simple perspective transform for simple projection mapping situations.
Layer Composition controls in 'Quad' mode, the perspective corrected main output and the UI inspector for a vertex handle.
Step 1: In the 'Size & Pos' tab of the Layer Composition controls, switch from 'Rect' to 'Quad' mode to activate perspective distortion for the layer.
The position of the layer within its parent group (or the canvas) is displayed in the Layer Composition controls.
Step 2: Drag the four control handles to the desired locations in the projected output.
- Use the arrow keys to nudge the selected handle one pixel at a time.
- Handle x/y positions can be entered manually or assigned to data-sources in the UI inspector.
Step 3: If needed, use the crop controls to trim off part of the source image before the warping is applied.
Step 4: When projecting onto a surface that requires multiple quads to cover it, create additional layers whose source is set to repeat the master layer and repeat steps 1-3.
Tip: When working with multiple layers use the composition controls of the parent group (or canvas) to arrange its sublayers in a single viewer.
Crop controls for a layer have sliders for trimming left, right, bottom and top of the source image.
Working with multiple layers
Perspective corrected main output
Actual projected output with Color Bars split into three quads.