Using the Built-In VDMX OSCQuery Browser

Also see the tutorial on using the OSCQuery Client plugin which can be used to create dedicated interface controls to remotely control other software. The Control Surface plugin can be used to publish parameters from your local workspace.

The OSCQuery protocol makes it easy for software that supports OSC to access each others parameters for remote control, without a lengthy setup process. Within VDMX there are a few ways to take advantage of this and in this tutorial we will focus on using the built-in OSCQuery Browser window which can be used to browse the address space of a server, send OSC messages and add OSC sending elements to our workspace.

The built-in OSCQuery Browser Window can be opened from the Window menu or by using the cmd+5 keyboard shortcut. From this panel you can access, browse and search the namespaces of other applications. For each of the listed OSC address destinations at the remote server you can:

  • Use the provided interface control to quickly send test data.
  • Dragged the listed item on to UI elements in VDMX (such as sliders, buttons, and color wheels – this also works with the list of variables in the Cue List plugin inspector) to automatically configure OSC sending to the remote hosts.

Tips and Notes:

The built-in OSCQuery Browser window, viewing OSC parameters from a remote control surface.

A free lightweight standalone OSCQuery Browser utility is also available for download.